5 Letter from the Editor by Courtney Tobler
6 Aquatic Notebook
• One or two Zebra Otocinclus? by Stephan M. Tanner, Ph.D.
• New freshwater fish species of 2023 by Michael Edmondstone, SHOAL
12 The Neon Tetra Group: Discovery, original description, and phylogenetic relationships by Stanley H. Weitzman
24 The Cardinal Tetra of the Río Negro: A sustainable fishery for conservation by Jackie Anderson, Scott Dowd, and Michi Tobler
38 Swimming with neons — Paracheirodon habitats by Oliver Lucanus
46 The Neon Tetra — Paracheirodon innesi by Hans-Georg Evers
52 Visiting neon tetra breeders in the Czech Republic by Hans-Georg Evers
62 Husbandry and breeding — Steatocranus sp. ‘Dwarf’—captivating humphead cichlids by Anton Lamboj
68 Reportage: Ivanacara adoketa — the Zebra Acara by Wolfgang Staeck
74 Reportage: A quartet of Lake Inle species by Dr. Paul V. Loiselle
82 Biotope Aquarium Contest 2023 — Organized by the BIOTOPE AQUARIUM Project by Natasha Khardina
92 Aquarium Calendar
94 Retail Sources
97 Advertiser Index
98 Underwater Eye