5 Letter From The Editor by Courtney Tobler
6 Aquatic Notebook
• The Rosy Loach described as Physoschistura mango by Courtney Tobler
• The Colossal Cory by Steve Grant
10 Aphaniidae—Keeping Eurasian-African killifishes by André Kahnt
22 Waterlilies indoors and out by Rudolf Suttner
32 Blonde Guppies under the southern sun by Sebastian Wolf
36 Medaka: Wanderers Between Worlds by Friedrich Bitter
46 Reportage From the depths of Lake Tanganyika: Benthochromis horii by Wolfgang Staeck
50 Reportage The Prigen Ark: a species conservation project in Indonesia by Hans-Georg Evers
56 Reportage Taxonomic revision of the South American pike cichlids by Wolfgang Staeck
64 Husbandry and breeding Cynops cyanurus: Blue-Tailed Fire-Belly Newts by Sean Twohy
76 AGA Winners: 2023 International Aquascaping Contest by Bailin Shaw
90 Aquarium Calendar
92 Retail Sources
94 Species Snapshots
97 Advertiser Index
98 Underwater Eye