AMAZONAS Magazine, Volume 12, Number 5, FRESHWATER STINGRAYS. On the cover: Potamotrygon jabuti (top) and Potamotrygon cf. leopoldi Photos: Nathan Chiang
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The Table of Contents for the September/October 2023 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine. You can view this TOC online!AMAZONAS Executive Editor Courtney Tobler introduces the issue, reminding us that while freshwater stingrays are not for everyone, they are fascinating aquarium subjects for those willing to obtain them legally and provide them with the proper husbandry.The AMAZONAS Aquatic Notebook presents short stories of relevance to the freshwater aquarist from around the globe. In this issue, we learn about the new species description of Garra panitvongi, the amazing genetic story behind the domesticated Betta, and the not-so-stellar paternal parenting of Variabilichromis moorii in Lake Tanganyika.Friedrich Bitter explains that in 2023, CITES placed new restrictions on the international trade of freshwater stingrays, but this does not mean the end of personal ownership by aquarists.Nathan Chiang takes us behind the scenes of a large-scale freshwater stingray breeding operation of Lee Bing, located in Shandong Province, China. A visit to Bing’s home and breeding facilities offers a glimpse into the techniques and technology required for the large-scale rearing of Potamotrygon rays.As a magazine of freshwater aquariums and tropical discovery, firsthand accounts of biodiverse ecoregions are also of interest. This time, Ernst Sosna shares his experiences touring the Río Madre de Dios drainage in southeastern Peru.Straight from the source, ichthyologist Anton Lamboj details the reasonings behind his recent reclassification of the Hemichromis cichlids and the creation of the new genus Rubricatochromis.Anton Lamboj and Amidu Mansaray traveled to the West African country of Sierra Leone to document its diversity of fishes. Although they collected fishes of all types, this story primarily focuses on the cichlids that they encountered, plus a few other fish groups.Behold! Dean Baayens shares one of the first captive breeding records to be published for the stunning black and iridescent Corydoras geryi.The exploration of the upper Tapajós Basin in central Brazil has brought us a large number of new species of characins in recent years. Among them is a new Thayeria penguin tetra, Thayeriea sp. ‘Teles Pires’, which has recently found its way into the hobby. Hans-Georg Evers reports on the successful captive-breeding of this new Teles Pires Penging Tetra.Livebearing toothcarps have been maintained regularly in the hobby for decades and are popular with beginners and advanced aquarists alike. Within the genus Poecilia, however, it’s mainly the cultivated and local forms of P. reticulata (Guppy) and P. wingei (Endler’s Livebearer) that are typically found in the trade. Poecilia branneri is much more rarely maintained, and author Wolfgang Staeck insists it is high time for a change.Rudolf Suttner reports on Echinodorus grisebachii, one of the top 10 best-selling aquarium plants. Vigorous growth, moderate light requirements, attractive habitus, and easy availability explain its popularity. From growing wild across South America to thriving in an aquarium, the variable forms of this sword plant are intriguing.Multi-day and national events are great opportunities to come together with fellow aquarists to learn new things, make new friends, and even obtain some of the hobby’s rarest fishes. Mark your calenders, map your routes, and book your tickets for these fantastic aquarium-related gatherings! Organizing such an event? Email well in advance to let us know!Whether you’re looking for rare AMAZONAS back issues or unique fishes and aquatic plants, check out Sources, our printed and online listing of local aquarium stores in the U.S., Canada, Chile, Great Britain, and South Korea, where you can buy AMAZONAS right off the shelf.We close out each issue with Species Snapshots, a look at rare and unusual fishes showing up in the aquarium trade and hobbyist circles. In this issue, Jake Sanderfur showcases the gorgeous Sinibotia pulchra (Chinese Golden Zebra Loach or Twelve-banded Loach.), and Joe Hiduke shares the truly unique Yellow-Striped Woodcat, Trachelopterichthys taeniatus.