via Nautilus Tropical Fish Wholesale
Yssichromis piceatus are in stock for the first time ever. I was a Victorian cichlid geek long before this job so this has always been one of my dream fish.
Yssichromis are a genus of (originally) open-water zooplankton feeders, somewhat like Tanganyikan Cyprichromis. Most of the open-water fish were eaten nearly to extinction when Nile Perch were introduced to the lake, but some species were able to adapt to different niches in the lake like rocky habitats, or schooling with cyprinids.

Yssichromis piceatus are either extinct or critically endangered in the wild, and I’m only able to offer them for sale because they’ve been kept alive by groups like CARES and AZA. Several years back they ended up at the University of Florida Tropical Aquaculture Lab and from there were spread out to Florida fish farmers. Their place in the hobby seems relatively secure now, and even if they’re never re-introduced to the lake the fact that they exist is a testament to the work of many dedicated breeders over many decades.
– Joe Hiduke
BONUS: Video from Ronny Str on YouTube
Why should you keep this fish? Well, check out a large colony of Yssichromis piceatus, including males in the pitch-black breeding dress with bright orange fins! Lovely!