Freshwater aquarist and native-fish enthusiast Ryan Kinney offers unique t-shirts for fish keepers through his Wild Fish Tanks business based in Ocoee, Florida.

While there happens to still be feet of snow on the ground as I write this from Duluth, Minnesota, most of you reading this will agree that this is the time of year to get outside and enjoy spring; T-shirt weather has arrived! Now is a great time to bring your attention to Ryan Kinney’s line of aquarium- and fish-inspired t-shirts from his company Wild Fish Tanks.

A few recent additions to the aquatic apparel line at Wild Fish Tanks.

Kinney’s t-shirt line offers quick, clever humor with clean designs featuring freshwater tropical and native fishes. Having been the recipient of numerous humorous t-shirts over the years from my mother-in-law (it’s an ongoing Christmas tradition), I can attest to the reality that smart, eye-catching, off-beat messaging like this will spark curiosity and inquiries from strangers when you’re out and about.

Last day of school photos for the kids, anyone?

To see the full line of designs from Wild Fish Tanks, head over to See more from Ryan Kinney via his Wild Fish Tanks YouTube channel and follow Wild Fish Tanks on Instagram.