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5 Letter From The Editor by Courtney Tobler
6 Aquatic Notebook
• Ray “Kingfish” Lucas, 1947–2023
by Janine Banks
• New Species 2022 highlights a fish that can leap out of water to escape predators, an air-breathing catfish, and some blood-sucking vampires
via Michael Edmondstone, SHOAL, and Milo Putnam, Re:wild

14     The Biology of Nutrition: Taking clues from nature to feed your fish
by Michi Tobler
26     Puddle in a box: a simple live-food hatchery
by Sebastian and Richard Wolf
38     Live food—Artemia nauplii
by Hans Ruhrmann
44     Culturing microworms for fry rearing success
by Hans Ruhrmann and AMAZONAS editors
46     Cultivating rotifers the easy way
by Marco C. Haupt and AMAZONAS editors
48     Sustaining a population of Brine Shrimp—Outdoors
by Marco C. Haupt
50     Reportage — Big brains and electric senses of weakly electric fishes
by Dr. Klaus M. Stiefel
58     Reportage — Traveling in Peru: lederhosen and loricariids by Anja Katzschmann and Norman Behr
68     Notes From The Field — A perfect goby: Glossogobius concavifrons
by Hans-Georg Evers
78     Biotope Aquarium Project 2022 — Replicating aquatic habitats
by Natasha Khardina with biotope descriptions by contestents

88 Aquarium Calendar
90 Retail Sources
92 Species Snapshots
97 Advertiser Index
98 Underwater Eye

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