via Project Piaba
Join the Project Piaba team on an expedition to the Rio Negro!
Project Piaba has been studying and fostering the aquarium fish trade of the Rio Negro region for more than 30 years. This industry drives conservation by providing sustainable livelihoods to rural families, inspiring stewardship and protection of the habitat that supports the fishery, and preventing environmentally destructive industries from taking hold.
Join a “trip of a lifetime” expedition to the fishery in the Brazilian Amazon!
January 22- February 4, 2023
The trip includes:
- 2 weeks on a well-appointed live-aboard boat. Participants will share a room with one other person. Rooms are air-conditioned and include comfortable bunks beds, linens, private in-room bathrooms with toilet and shower, and electric outlets.
- Visits to biological hotspots in small boats; opportunities to view fish in their wild habitat when you snorkel.
- Visits and opportunities to meet with aquarium fishing communities.
- Participate in best handling practices training with fishing communities to better the health of exported fish.
- Collect, photograph, and release newly legalized species for aquarium export.
- Participate in developing traceability techniques for individual fish through the supply chain.
- Visits to home aquarium fish export facilities.
- Delicious meals prepared by experienced cooks; mineral water, juices, and coffee/tea.
- All possible Covid-19 safety protocols will be adhered to, we are requiring trip participants to be vaccinated and tested prior to departure.
- At a price of $2,750 USD, this is one of the most affordable Amazon travel excursions around, and your participation contributes directly to our important conservation work
- Create lasting memories and join us!
Contact Scott Dowd or Jackie Anderson for more information and to reserve your spot for the next expedition! Email Scott: SDowd@Projectpiaba.org OR Jackie: janderson@projectpiaba.org
See the full itinerary at https://projectpiaba.org/what-we-do/expeditions/
Watch the Video To See More