via Quality Marine and Aquatropic
Barramundi (Lates calcarifer): The fish’s common name is derived from the Australian Aboriginal language, and is also known as the “Giant Sea Perch” and “Asian / Australian Sea Bass.” Long thought to be purely catadromous (meaning a fish that lives most of its life in freshwater, then migrates to saltwater to spawn), they have more recently been found to live long-term in marine, fresh and brackish environments. (Editor: Despite some of its common names, the Barramundi is sometime dubbed “snook” and more closely related to the barracuda than to the groupers and other sea basses.)
This is an ultimate monster fish keepers’ dream fish as adults are commonly three to four feet long, and can be maintained in freshwater, brackish, or marine displays. These are peaceful fish in that they will not harass other fish, however, they will eat just about anything that can fit into their mouths.
Barramundi are usually a pale grey-green with a copper-silver shimmer. They generally exhibit a bright white stripe down the front of their face. We are pleased to offer a variety of interesting morphs including the most sought-after Golden Barramundi. Golden Barramundi in the wild are extremely rare with the chance of a golden being born is 1 in 10 million! We have four interesting and unusual morphs in stock now which include the Golden, Tiger, Panda, and Sunshine Barramundi.

The fish are available to our partner retail stores and public aquaria, have been cultured for many generations, and are well accustomed to eating commercial foods; they have been fed a high-quality pellet since they were able to take one. They are raised at a salinity of 5 ppt (approximately 1.004 SG) and are currently maintained at a salinity of 25 ppt (approx. 1.019 SG). The fish handle adjustments of salinity with ease.

Barramundi ownership is restricted in 15 states so check your local state regulations before purchasing these beautiful fish.
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Maine
- Mississippi
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- Oregon
- Texas
- Utah
If you’ve ever wanted an unusual color morph of Barramundi, now’s the time as they are available now in limited quantities. If you’re up to the challenge, have your LFS call Quality Marine & Aquatropic today!
