via sera usa
Heinsberg, Germany – The 2023 sera calendar is available for free with an issue of approximately 300,000 copies worldwide, available in the specialized pet trade, and for download on www.sera.de. Aquarists can obtain a free printed copy of this calendar through any retailer that carries sera products.
sera asked aquarium, terrarium, and pond keepers via social networks to submit their most beautiful photos for the sera calendar this year. Over 400 pictures were submitted. The 12 most beautiful ones were chosen from the submitted photos and printed in the sera calendar 2023.
Everything ranging from various freshwater and marine fish up to invertebrates and different reptiles is included. It is impressive to see which beautiful shapes and facets the aquarium and terrarium hobbies have.
The photographers who took the winning photos received an extensive product packet which was compiled according to their desires. Plus, a free choice sera Scaper Cube was raffled among all participants of the event.
Many thanks again to everybody who took part and submitted their pictures. Photos for the 2024 calendar can already be submitted now: simply send them to socialmedia@sera.biz via e-mail.
Further information: www.sera-usa.com
Regrettably I don’t even have an aquarium store within a one hour drive from my home here in Canada. Certainly wish I could get a copy of the calendar.