AMAZONAS Magazine, Volume 11, Number 6, A SLICE OF PARADISE. On the cover: Macropodus opercularis, Hoang Trung Hon/Shutterstock
The November/December 2022 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine is printed and on its way to the homes of magazine subscribers and racks of the best local aquarium shops around the world!
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The Table of Contents for the November/December 2022 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine. You can view this TOC online!“In the early stages of this issue’s production cycle, our communications and digital media editor, Alex Rose, sent an email to potential advertisers with a subject line of “Two Fishes to Paradise”, announcing the theme of this issue of AMAZONAS. Ever since that day, Eddy Money’s song “Two Tickets to Paradise” has played in my head over and over. Every. Single. Day.” – Executive Editor Courtney Tobler, introducing the issue.We remember James Langhammer, a lifelong fishkeeper and ACA Fellow who passed away the same day the Triple Crown started, where he would have received special recognition for his incredible dedication to furthering the hobby. Memorial contributions can be made to the James K Langhammer Fund for Conservation by the American Livebearer Association.Robert Hintze brings us coverage from the Aquatic Triple Crown Convention in Louisville, Kentucky where ACA, AGA, ALA, and ANGFA all participated in a fabulously fishy weekend that we all hope will be repeated.Our first cover story, by Friedrich Bitter, focuses on collecting and rearing a wild-type paradisefish from the Chinese island province of Hainan and briefly introduces two other wild forms from Taiwan.Erik Dederer explores the cultivated forms of Macropodus opercularis and how the preferences of aquarists for this species have changed over its long history in the trade.Rüdiger Schäfer will help you learn all about the spiketail paradisefish, Pseudosphromenus cupanus, a species originally documented in India that has been part of the aquarium hobby for well over a century.Eelgobies are also a focus of this issue, and this next article, by Uwe Werner, examines the mysterious life histories of three South American species; Gobioides peruanus, Gobioides broussonnetii, and Gobioides grahamae.Norman Behr and Anja Katzschmann introduce readers to the Pinocchio whiptail catfish, Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus, an exceptionally placid species that has some fascinating physical characteristics including an enlarged lip for holding onto eggs.Dr. Michael Olaoluwa Popoola transports you to the eastern forest block of the lower Cross River, a remote area in the southeastern part of Nigeria, that is ichthyologically different from the rest of the country.Hans-Georg Evers briefly presents background on the “Hyphessobrycon loweae species-group” before presenting the husbandry and successful breeding one of the newest and most colorful members, Hyphessobrycon procyon.We journey into the world of aquatic plants where Rudolf Suttner presents a look at the sleeping beauty waterlily, Nymphaea glandulifera, and shares its life history and care requirements.Badis sp. ‘Sreemangal’ is new Badis from northern Bangladesh; it’s a gorgeous fish that has already been bred in captivity. Is it a new species? Author Torsten Kortum considers the possibility.Hans-Georg Evers takes us to Thailand to visit and admire the outstanding facilities of Gauger Tropic.Friedrich Bitter reflects on the history, husbandry, and breeding of a particularly interesting fish, the wrestling halfbeak, Dermogenys pusilla.The AMAZONAS Events Calendar keeps you apprised of aquatic happenings around the country and beyond our borders. Event organizers, be sure to notify Janine Banks ( for consideration in the print and online versions of this calendar. Keep a lookout for AMAZONAS at aquarium events around the U.S., and please be sure to stop by and say hi! And be sure to check the online events calendar for the most current info, and events going beyond the current printed calendar!Check out Sources, our printed and online listing of local aquarium stores in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, Sweden, and Chile, where you can buy AMAZONAS right off the shelf. Rumor has it, they probably have fantastic aquatics departments considering they have great taste in aquarium literature! We close out each issue with Species Snapshots, a look at rare and unusual fishes showing up in the aquarium trade and hobbyist circles. In this issue, Oliver Lucanus introduces readers to Astyanax nobre and the whiptail banjo catfish, Platystacus cotylephorus.