via Nautilus Tropical Fish Wholesale
“Hey folks,” writes Nautilus sales manager Joe Hiduke, “New GloFish are here!!!! I have an entire new line of GloFish available this week; GloFish Pristellas. They’re available in three different colors, the first time we’ve had a roll-out with such a nice mix. They keep a little of the Pristella Tetra pattern and color in the fins, so they are distinct from the traditional GloFish tetras. Also, they offer a different body shape, and are a bit more active. The color is exceptional, every bit as bright as the other GloFish lines.”
Is the colour injected into the fish or is it true pigment of the fish themselves?
The original fish are genetically modified. The type of genes that cause corals and jellyfish to fluoresce are inserted, and when successful, the fish create the fluorescent proteins. Absolutely not injected/dyed. The trait is heritable, although it’s protected via patent, so unauthorized breeding of the fish could land an aquarist in hot water.