The X-Ray or Pristella Tetra, Pristella maxillaris, is a peaceful shoaling fish that is commonly aquacultured. Now, it is the latest species to be genetically engineered and marketed as a GloFish®.
The X-Ray or Pristella Tetra, Pristella maxillaris, is a peaceful shoaling fish that is commonly aquacultured. Now, it is the latest species to be genetically engineered and marketed as a GloFish®.

via Nautilus Tropical Fish Wholesale

“Hey folks,” writes Nautilus sales manager Joe Hiduke, “New GloFish are here!!!! I have an entire new line of GloFish available this week; GloFish Pristellas. They’re available in three different colors, the first time we’ve had a roll-out with such a nice mix. They keep a little of the Pristella Tetra pattern and color in the fins, so they are distinct from the traditional GloFish tetras. Also, they offer a different body shape, and are a bit more active. The color is exceptional, every bit as bright as the other GloFish lines.”
