The NYOS® FLOATING FISH TRAP® uses an innovative principle and makes catching fish in an aquarium easy, fast, and safe.
Innovative, Cordless Principle
With conventional fish traps, catching fish is complicated since a mechanism for catching the fish usually has to be activated via a line. With the Nyos FLOATING FISH TRAP, on the other hand, only the magnetic connection is released as soon as a fish is in the trap. An air body at the opening of the trap ensures a quick 90-degree turn when released, as well as the overall and buoyancy of the trap, bringing the trap and the fish to the surface.
The fish trap can be attached to the aquarium pane with a thickness of 8-15mm with the magnetic holder. This enables a flexible position in the aquarium. The trap can be placed close to the surface of the water so that the food can be conveniently added with the supplied pipette.
The Nyos FLOATING FISH TRAP is compact and is quickly accepted by the fish due to its round, transparent design.
Tips for catching aquarium fish:
- It takes time for the fish to get used to the trap
- While they get used to it, feed the fish only through the trap
- For fish that feed on algae, algae leaves can be fixed in place with the enclosed magnet
- The pipette can also be used to keep the food moving. Many fish tend to respond to moving food
- In the case of small and fast fish, wait until the fish have swam completely into the trap
- Do not use the trap to catch multiple large fish at the same time
- In the case of shy fish, fix a string on the magnetic holder so it can be detached from a distance
- In the case of shy fish, if necessary, remove dominant fish from the aquarium beforehand
- If necessary, turn off flow so that the food stays in the trap
Design protected. Patent pending.
Learn more at https://www.nyos.info/en/fischfalle
Watch the NYOS floating fish trap in action!
Editor’s Note: Aquarists dialed in to the pulse of the aquarium trade may recognize this trap as influenced by an earlier product, the Takematez line of bubble fish traps.
Says NYOS: “The fish trap is based on the idea of Tankmatez and we’re working together to ‘start global distribution of our collaborative design. NYOS is the perfect company to get this very effective tool to the fish aquarium enthusiasts around the world.’ – Tankmatez”
I am greatly amazed at the fishing of the advanced technology. Keep it up.