Join Chris ‘The Mad Aquarist‘ Biggs as he presents a current, Fall 2021 look behind the doors at Spencer Jack’s company aFISHionados, located in Saint Paul, Manitoba, just outside of Winnipeg. The wholesaler and retail distributor is only an 8.5-hour drive north of AMAZONAS‘s U.S. home base in Rochester, MN (plus an international border crossing) but Chris Biggs brought us all there without burning one drop of petrol!

Having already fought through the impact of the pandemic, and now facing the uncertain future of aquarium keeping within the city limits of neighboring Winnipeg, there is no better time than the present to get an inside look at this clean and well-executed Canadian freshwater aquarium facility.

If you’ve never had a look inside an aquarium wholesaler, this is a great first look! Pay attention; there are many subtle details in terms of fishroom design that you might wish to apply in your next fishroom build!

We were delighted to see this video pop up in the newsfeed and even happier to share it with AMAZONAS readers like you. Great job Chris, and thanks to Spencer Jack for opening his doors to Chris, and ultimately everyone on the Internet.
Watch Now: Fish Store Tour of the Incredible aFISHionados
Video Credit: Chris ‘The Mad Aquarist’ Biggs’ YouTube Channel
Excellent video and explanations.
Will be visiting the store soon.