One could argue it’s been a decade in the making. With the 60th issue of AMAZONAS arriving for subscribers, we’re excited to showcase this first-of-its-kind offering from AMAZONAS Magazine!
CHARACINS—NEW BRAZILIAN TETRAS, is the first special edition to be produced by the AMAZONAS team. Riding the line between a book and a magazine, it is not part of any subscription and is available exclusively as a printed edition. There are currently shipping specials available to existing print subscribers (we’ll bundle your special edition purchase with your January/February 2022 issue to result in tremendous cost savings).

This first-ever special edition is a must-buy for anyone interested in tetras, rare fish, new species, conservation, planted aquariums (many of these new species make dazzling additions worthy of gracing the most intricate and polished aquascapes!)
You can get a much more in-depth look at what’s in store when you visit www.AMAZONASmagazine.com/hotnewtetras
You can preorder your copy with all the discounts and sale pricing through November 10th in the AMAZONAS Magazine Online Shop!
Watch Alex Rose introduce you to this special, one-of-a-kind project from the AMAZONAS team via the AMAZONAS Magazine YouTube channel!