AMAZONAS Magazine, Volume 10, Number 1, ALLURING LORICARIIDS, on sale December 8th, 2020! On the cover: Crossoloricaria variegata (top) and Sturisomatichthys tamanae (middle) by Oliver Lucanus; chocolate whiptail catfish (Rineloricaria lanceolata) (bottom) by Norman Behr
The January/February 2021 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine is printed and arriving at the homes of magazine subscribers, local aquarium shops and better bookstores!
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If you just can’t wait to see what’s showing up in the mail, or your favorite retailer keeps all the AMAZONAS in their protective poly sleeves, we are offering this INSIDE LOOK at the newest issue—a sampling of articles and opening pages for readers curious about what the issue will bring.
The Table of Contents for the January/February 2021 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine. You can view this TOC online!AMAZONASmagazine #InsideLook: It’s official! Volume 10, Number 1, marks the first issue for our Deputy Executive Editor turned Executive Editor, Courtney Tobler. Get to know a little bit more about her, and what the issue holds, in her Letter from the Editor (Ann Whitman remains a valued and very essential member of the Aquatic Media Press team, as Senior Editorial Advisor!).We’ve been repeatedly forewarning readers and subscribers of our forthcoming price changes in 2021. This Letter from the Publisher, by Stephan M. Tanner, Ph.D., serves as another reminder. Don’t say we didn’t warn you! Fill those holes in your back issue collection during our 2020 AMAZONAS Holiday Sale, and take advantage of our legacy subscription prices through the end of the year.Multiple new studies provide new insights into the vocalizations of catfishes. Says author Michi Tobler: “These new observations show how little we know about many fish species, even those that are common occupants of our aquaria. That’s ultimately what makes them so fascinating to me.”How easily can a fish be nearly lost and found and all but lost again? Sr. Editor and Publisher Matt Pedersen shares his quest for a personal holy-grail cichlid from Lake Victoria—Haplochromis (Lipochromis) melanopterus—a colorful paedophage that briefly saw commercial availability in the aquarium trade as the “Melon Hap”.Common names used for our aquarium fishes may differ from region to region, but usually remain unchanged over the years. In the case of scientific designations, on the other hand, we may have to relearn the binomial nomenclature of a given fish now and then—and sometimes even several times. Norman Behr and Anja Katzschmann present new information on catfishes of the genera Strisomatichthys and Sturisoma. Continuing our feature coverage, Norman Behr and Anja Katzschmann investigate Rineloricaria lanceolata and ask, “Is the chocolate whiptail catfish really just one species?”Oliver Lucanus presents an overview of rarely seen loricardiids from the Chocó region of Colombia, helping to disambiguate similar species that may be encountered from regions on both sides of the Andes.An adventure to the Río Bodoquereo would have been unthinkable a few years ago, but the improved security situation in this part of Colombia made it possible to collect fishes in some areas. Erlend D. Bertelsen shares what he and his travel companions discovered. See a bonus video for this article, here.Colorful new tetras are welcome standouts when they become available in the hobby, and the watermelon tetra, Hemigrammus coeruleus, is a sensation in this respect. Ernst Sosna shares his experiences with this flashy rarity.Dark sleepers are a group of small carnivorous freshwater fishes native to subtropical and temperate eastern Asia. Somehow, this group receives little attention in the aquarium hobby despite their unique appearance and interesting behaviors. Author Mat Chen wants to bring these fishes into the light.German contributor Ernst Sosna shares his adventurous trip through rugged Guyana in search of dwarf pike cichlids. From sampling in the field to housing fish at home, he provides valuable insights to those interested in keeping Crenicichla wallacii.To expand his own knowledge, as well as his medaka stocks, Friedrich Bitter traveled to Japan to visit several medaka breeding facilities. In this article, he shares some of the tips that he learned along the way.Rearing your own live fish food may seem like a daunting task, but low maintenance, high-reward live food options do exist. Sumer Tiwari explores how peanut beetle larvae can be a nutritious part of your fishes’ diets. Read our exclusive FREE online excerpt, and watch the bonus videos!Master aquatic gardener Bailin Shaw, chairman of the Aquatic Gardeners Association, provides practical knowledge on how to successfully set up and maintain a low-tech planted tank.Although rummy nose tetras are long-time favorites in the hobby, new revelations about the species continue. From scientific reclassification to new breeding techniques, Hans-Georg Evers delivers the latest on Petitella bleheri.Given the current state of the world in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, aquarium-related events are being canceled, rescheduled, or going “virtual” with online options. Event organizers, please keep Janine Banks ( aware of any rescheduled events and cancellations, and we’ll do our best to relay that information. View our events calendar online, anytime, for the most up-to-date information we have available, but remember, check with any event organizer directly to learn the status of their event. We look forward to a time when aquarists can once again gather to share their love for fishes.The next time you’re in need of that gotta-have-it fish or aquarium plant, give these fine retailers a call. All of them carry single-copy issues of AMAZONAS (and they might even be a great source to obtain some harder-to-find back issues)! Remember to support your independent pet retailers, especially during these challenging pandemic times! View this list online, now!We round out every issue with AMAZONAS’ Species Snapshots—concise glimpses at rare and unusual fishes showing up in the aquarium trade and hobbyist circles. In our latest installment, Friedrich Bitter discusses the unusual bulldog goodeid, Alloophorus robustus, and Dr. Paul V. Loiselle shares his experiences with African barbs of the genus Clypeobarbus, particularly Clypeobarbus pleuropholis.