Zoo Med’s award-winning new Dragon Bonsai Tree aquascaping product was introduced at the 2020 Global Pet Expo in Orlando, Florida.
Aquascaping competitions have been a driving force of innovative design ideas, particularly when aquascapes are created to mimic terrestrial vistas with aquatic materials. No doubt, the first time someone created an effective mimic of a lush, miniature tree underwater, planted tank enthusiasts took note.
In subsequent years, supplies of “bonsai driftwood” have shown up on social media and through specialty outlets, no doubt drawing the attention of aquarists, particularly those who would struggle to find the materials needed to recreate the look of a miniature tree. Zoo Med has launched its Dragon Bonsai Tree product, first revealed at the 2020 Global Pet Expo, effectively bringing the bonsai tree aquascaping concept to wide distribution through commercial channels.
The trees incorporate multiple small pieces of wood to create the aesthetic. They will be sold dry; it is up to you, the aquarist, to create the lush, leafy growth using whatever aquatic mosses or other plants fit your aquascaping plans; mosses, ferns, Anubius and Bucephalandra are common choices, often simply attached with super glue gel to the tree base.
It appears there are multiple sizes for this new offering, as evidenced by single and multi-trunk versions on display.
Also of note, Zoo Med’s Dragon Bonsai Tree was recognized as the Aquatics Winner for the 2020 American Pet Products Association (APPA) and the Pet Industry Distributors Association (PIDA) New Products Showcase. We don’t have word on the release timing for this product; the Dragon Bonsai Tree is not yet included on Zoo Med’s website at this time.