AMAZONAS Magazine, Volume 8, Number 5, MAN-MADE FISHES, on sale August 6th, 2019 ! On the cover: Left: Flowerhorn Cichlid. Upper right: Oranda Goldfish (Carassius auratus), Lower right: Crescent-tailed Molly (Poecilia sp.).

AMAZONAS Magazine, Volume 8, Number 5, MAN-MADE FISHES, on sale August 6th, 2019! On the cover: Left: Flowerhorn Cichlid. Upper right: Oranda Goldfish (Carassius auratus), Lower right: Crescent-tailed Molly (Poecilia sp.).

The September/October 2019 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine is printed and arriving at the homes of magazine subscribers, local aquarium shops, and better bookstores!

For our 5th issue of 2019, we decided to take on a bit of controversy as we showcase one of the aquarium hobby’s most polarizing issues: Man-made Fishes. Says publisher and Sr. Editor Dr. Stephan Tanner, “My reason for devoting an issue of AMAZONAS to this topic is based on the realization that we have to discuss it, because man-made fishes have been around for a long time and are here to stay, just think of koi (Cyprinus carpio) or goldfish (Carassius auratus). If we do not cover man-created strains and forms, and debate the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, we leave the field to emotional grandstanding or worse, legal regulations without qualified input.”

Where do you stand on the issue of man-made fishes? Will your opinions and viewpoints be supported or challenged by what awaits on the pages inside? Man-made Fishes may be one of our most through-provoking issues to date!

But be assured, this isn’t an issue simply full of Goldfish and Flowerhorns! We look at natural hybridization among Xiphophorus (the swordtails and platies), part two of a Rio Xingu biotope aquarium, and the endangered Scleromystax catfishes of the Mata Atlantica. Breeding enthusiasts will love stories on breeding the Panda Garra (Garra flavatra), the Brunei Beauty (Betta macrostoma), and Parancistrus nudiventris. There is something for everyone in this issue!

Readers of the Digital Edition can access this issue starting August 11th, 2019: AMAZONAS DIGITAL EDITION

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If you just can’t wait to see what’s showing up in the mail, or your favorite retailer keeps all the AMAZONAS in their protective poly sleeves, we are offering this INSIDE LOOK at the newest issue—a sampling of articles and opening pages for readers curious about what the issue will bring.

The Table of Contents for the September/October 2019 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine. You can view this TOC online!

The Table of Contents for the September/October 2019 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine. You can view this TOC online!


Introducing our issue, Executive Editor Ann Whitman shares that, "When I started out as a kid, I knew little about fish and just bought whatever I liked and my allowance would afford. While part of this is still true, my priorities, choice of fishes and what I find beautiful has matured."

Introducing our issue, Executive Editor Ann Whitman shares that, “When I started out as a kid, I knew little about fish and just bought whatever I liked and my allowance would afford. While part of this is still true, my priorities, choice of fishes and what I find beautiful has matured.”


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Stephan Tanner, Ph.D., shares his views on the diversity of man-made fishes in the aquarium trade.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Stephan Tanner, Ph.D., shares his views on the diversity of man-made fishes in the aquarium trade.


Sometimes, taking a look outside your own sphere of interest can yield deeper understandings and fresh ideas. Matt Pedersen asks, what lessons can be learned about ornamental fish breeding by examining the world of orchid keeping?

Sometimes, taking a look outside your own sphere of interest can yield deeper understandings and fresh ideas. Matt Pedersen asks, “What lessons can be learned about ornamental fish breeding by examining the world of orchid keeping?”


Echoing the sentiments of Marie Kondo, Michael Tuccinardi suggests that aquarists "Keep the Fish that Bring You Joy"!

Echoing the sentiments of Marie Kondo, Michael Tuccinardi suggests that aquarists “Keep the Fish that Bring You Joy”!


Aquatic Notebook kicks off with a revision to the Skunk Catfish we all thought we knew as Corydoras arcuatus. Also, Project Selva: Amazonian Art for Conservation.

Aquatic Notebook kicks off with a revision to the Skunk Catfish we all thought we knew as Corydoras arcuatus. Also, Project Selva: Amazonian Art for Conservation.


Many hobbyists nowadays frown upon hybridization of different species to create new forms of fish. Contributor Michi Tobler reveals the secrets of hybridization among swordtails and platies, which doesn’t always require human intervention.


Love them or hate them, the progenitors of GloFish® were originally developed to detect water pollution. Highly experienced commercial breeder Bill Shields was at the right place at the right time and shares his story of how the GloFish was brought into commercial production.

Love them or hate them, the progenitors of GloFish® were originally developed to detect water pollution. Highly experienced commercial breeder Bill Shields was at the right place at the right time and shares his story of how the GloFish® was brought into commercial production.


It's important to realize that manipulation of fishes goes back millennia; goldfish expert Gary R. Hater provides an introduction to the history and modern-day selective breeding of Carassius auratus.

It’s important to realize that manipulation of fishes goes back millennia; goldfish expert Gary R. Hater provides an introduction to the history and modern-day selective breeding of Carassius auratus.


This is the sad story of a lost paradise; a nightmare for the once pristine Malili lakes in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Hans-Georg Evers reports in the "Flowerhorn Invasions of Lake Matano".

This is the sad story of a lost paradise; a nightmare for the once pristine Malili lakes in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Hans-Georg Evers reports in the “Flowerhorn Invasions of Lake Matano”.


In part 2 of our Aquarium Masterclass by Oliver Lucanus, we examine the aquarium's selection of endemic and biotope-appropriate fishes recreating a slice of the Rio Xingu.

In part 2 of our Aquarium Masterclass by Oliver Lucanus, we examine the aquarium’s selection of endemic and biotope-appropriate fishes recreating a slice of the Rio Xingu.


Home to unique endemic fishes, most recognizable among them the unique cory cats of the genus Scleromystax, Erik Schiller illuminates South America's Atlantic Forest, the endangered Mata Atlântica.

Home to unique endemic fishes, most recognizable among them the unique cory cats of the genus Scleromystax, Erik Schiller illuminates South America’s Atlantic Forest, the endangered Mata Atlântica.


The beautiful algae-eating panda garra (Garra flavatra) has captured the attention of aquarists, but as Friedrich Bitter explains, it will take more work to unlock the secrets of breeding them at home.

The beautiful algae-eating panda garra (Garra flavatra) has captured the attention of aquarists, but as Friedrich Bitter explains, it will take more work to unlock the secrets of breeding them at home.


Betta macrostoma is a holy grail fish for many hobbyists. Daniel Elster shares how to keep and breed this tricky Borneo native.

Betta macrostoma is a holy grail fish for many hobbyists. Daniel Elster shares how to keep and breed this tricky Borneo native.


Challenge Accepted: Breeding Parancistrus nudiventris. Dutch pleco breeder Jacqueline Heijmen Bennett-Leaver explains how this breakthrough success was achieved.

Challenge Accepted: Breeding Parancistrus nudiventris. Dutch pleco breeder Jacqueline Heijmen Bennett-Leaver explains how this breakthrough success was achieved.


Hans-Georg Evers dives into the tropical streams of the Indo-Pacific region, home to climbing gobies of the genera Stiphodon, Sicyopterus, Lentipes and several others.

Hans-Georg Evers dives into the tropical streams of the Indo-Pacific region, home to climbing gobies of the genera Stiphodon, Sicyopterus, Lentipes and several others.


Make sure you don't miss out on an exciting aquarium-related event in your state and make sure your events get seen! Reach out to to learn more. View our events calendar online, anytime!

Make sure you don’t miss out on an exciting aquarium-related event in your state and make sure your events get seen! Reach out to to learn more. View our events calendar online, anytime!


Look for AMAZONAS Magazine in outstanding local aquarium shops throughout the U.S. and around the globe! You can find these retailers in our online sources guide anytime! Want your shop listed? Email to find out how!

Look for AMAZONAS Magazine in outstanding local aquarium shops throughout the U.S. and around the globe! You can find these retailers in our online sources guide anytime! Want your shop listed? Email to find out how!


AMAZONAS Magazine’s Species Snapshots bring you the newest, hottest and most arcane freshwater aquarium fish from around the globe. In this issue, we share in-depth looks at Leporinus sexstriatus, Pseudocrenilabrus sp. 'Lake Mweru yellow weed picker' and Hyphessobrycon myrmex (the fire ant tetra). This exclusive content is found nowhere else but the pages of AMAZONAS Magazine!

AMAZONAS Magazine’s Species Snapshots bring you the newest, hottest and most arcane freshwater aquarium fish from around the globe. In this issue, we share in-depth looks at Leporinus sexstriatus, Pseudocrenilabrus sp. ‘Lake Mweru yellow weed picker’ and Hyphessobrycon myrmex (the fire ant tetra). This exclusive content is found nowhere else but the pages of AMAZONAS Magazine!


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