AMAZONAS Magazine, Volume 8, Number 4, NATURALLY NATIVES, arrives just in time for summer! On the cover: Top: Rainbow Darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) Middle: Tangerine Darter (Percina aurantiaca), Bottom: Greenside Darter (E. blennoides). Images by Isaac Szabo.
The July/August 2019 Issue of AMAZONAS Magazine is printed and arriving at the homes of magazine subscribers, local aquarium shops, and better bookstores!
This issue is packed with stunning photos of fishes you can find in your own backyard! Rivaling the most colorful of reef fishes, U.S. native species such as darters, minnows, and sunfish will have you eager for your next aquarium to emulate a native fish biotope!
If you’ve overlooked United States’ natives as drab ditch fish, this issue will surely make you rethink that assumption! In fact, there is a native fish—and article in AMAZONAS—for everyone. If you’re a fan if cichlids, sunfish such as a Pumpkinseeds, Long-Eared, or Dollar Sunfish may strike your fancy. Prefer schooling fish? Minnows, chubs, shiners, and dace are sensationally colored Cyprinids. Appreciate benthic dwellers? Check out the darters! Nano-fish? Elassoma species will excite you! This issue also incorporates plants and invertebrates capable of being kept with native fish. Truly something for everyone!
Rounding out the rest of this issue includes Hans-Georg Evers’ trek to at an ornamental fish market in Bangkok, the first installment of Oliver Lucanus’ step-by-step build of a Río Xingú biotope, and a breeding report for Betta albimarginata ‘Malinau’ from Hansjürgen Diek.
Readers of the Digital Edition can access this issue starting June 11th, 2019: AMAZONAS DIGITAL EDITION
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Before subscribing, we are offering this INSIDE LOOK at the newest issue – a sampling of articles and opening pages for readers curious about what the issue will bring.

The Table of Contents for the July/August 2019 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine. You can view this TOC online!

AMAZONAS Executive Editor Ann Whitman reminisces on her early experiences looking for and catching native fishes. Dipnetting in ditches or seining in streams was always an Easter-egg hunt for her – the fish pulled from the water were always a surprise! Join the hunt for beautiful native fish in this issue of AMAZONAS Magazine!

Contributor Derek Wheaton, known for this social media page Enchanting Ectotherms, reminds us that collecting and keeping native fish is thrilling but can be a detrimental activity for native ecosystems. While it makes intuitive sense to collect native fish, observe for a short period in an aquarium, and release them back into the wild, this is a major problem! Be sure to read about the ethics and responsibilities associated with keeping native species.

Many aquarists believe that utilizing flash photography can be detrimental (or even lethal) to fishes. A new scientific study suggests otherwise, at least in the fishes studied. Learn all about it in “The Flash Factor”, which starts our Aquatic Notebook column. Also in this issue: what visual cues might drive social behavior in fishes, and a look at black soldierfly larvae (BSL), a promising ingredient in fish food applications.

Darters live in 41 of the 50 United States, so you probably have some of these goby-like river gems right in your own backyard! Want to know more? Our AMAZONAS cover story, Dashing Darters, by Friedrich Bitter, gives hints for locations to hunt for darters and the information on how to maintain them in captivity! It can be done and we tell you how!

When you think of sunfish, what comes to mind? Probably not a thumb-sized stunner living among leaf litter in slow-moving water! These adorable little gems hail from the southeastern U.S. and can be kept in small, unheated, and even unfiltered aquaria. Elassoma species are spunky little natives that you just might find endearing enough to keep yourself! Flip through pages and pages of photos and information in this issue of AMAZONAS, as shared by author Marco C. Haupt!

You can find shiny flashes of red, white, and blue schools of breeding minnows in river systems across the United States! Friedrich Bitter’s article, Local Color, will make you think twice about casting native fish as drab ditch denizens. Best of all, you don’t need to SCUBA to see this brilliant breeding show! Read this article to learn more!

Author Flick Ford explains his hybrid approach to keeping planted aquaria and native fishes. By using old school methods and new age technology, this method is as easy as it is successful. Read all about it in our COLD FUSION article!

Native sunfishes fill the ecological niche otherwise filled by cichlids in other areas of the world. Likewise, these pugnacious piscines come with personality! Mark Binkley brings a focus on American Sunfish, their diversity, care, feeding and breeding. Expand your horizons by keeping some of these feisty fishes!

Considering the importance of the Río Xingú as a biodiversity hotspot and the location of major conservation issues, we added some Brazilian flair to this issue! Oliver Lucanus has been studying this river system for years and decided to recreate this threatened habitat in captivity. Follow his journey step-by-step in creating a Río Xingú biotope!

Crayfish aren’t just bass fishing bait! Friedrich Bitter surveys North America’s dwarf river crayfishes from the genus Cambarellus an easy to keep group of native invertebrates!

Breeding Betta albimarginata ‘Malinau’ was truly a science experiment for Hansjürgen Diek. In this article, his trials and tribulations resulted in a massive success! His perseverance with this mouthbrooding betta will make you want to pick up a challenging species and crack their unique code for breeding success!

If you’re one of those aquarists who visit any and all aquarium shops, this article is for you! Ever wonder how fish are sold in other countries? This installment of Notes From the Field from Hans-Georg Evers is full of photos and information about Bangkok fish markets – you won’t find this information anywhere else!

Die-hard aquarists know how to extend a vacation by attending an out of town aquarium event! Or spice up a stay-cation and discover what’s happening in your local aquarium world. Either way, you can stay up to date with events through our print and online Aquarium Calendars. Have an event coming up? Send Janine Banks an email so we can let your fellow AMAZONAS readers know about it.

Aquarium shops are the cornerstone of the hobby, a place to shop, commiserate, and meet new friends. Show your support for the hobby by shopping at a retailer who supports AMAZONAS and our mission to offer the best information in a stunning package. These retailers are a great source for single copies and hard-to-find back issues. You can view this list online as well.

AMAZONAS Magazine’s Species Snapshots bring you the newest, hottest and most arcane freshwater aquarium fish from around the globe. Setting the international benchmark for what’s in, this issue’s installment includes Myersi cichlid (Caquetaia myersi), Rineloricaria cf. lanceolata ‘Metallic’, Hypostomus nematopterus, and the Orinoco Dwarf Pike Cichlid (Chenicichla sp. ‘Orinoco Dwarf’). Get all the details exclusively in the newest issue of AMAZONAS Magazine!
Already a subscriber? ACCESS this issue starting June 11th, 2019!
All AMAZONAS subscribers can log in with their email address and read the web-based Digital Edition.