This back issue will be available soon for your AMAZONAS collection.
Volume 8, Number 1
5 Editorial by Ann Whitman
6 Letter From Europe by Friedrich Bitter
8 Aquatic Notebook by AMAZONAS staff
18 Killifishes from the land of mists by Friedrich Bitter
28 Cichlids of Gabon by Anton Lamboj
38 In search of the mormyrid’s song by Joe Cutler
46 Reportage: The Comal River: Exploring the diversity of an urban river by Greg Steeves
54 Reportage: Highland biotopes of Laos— Scenic home to rare Danios by Jens Kühne
60 Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2018 — Reflection of nature by Michael Tuccinardi
66 Husbandry and Breeding: Stiphodon — Dwarf Gobies with personality plus by Andreas Wagnitz
72 Husbandry and Breeding: Colorful Cherax — Species from New Guinea by Friedrich Bitter
80 What’s up?: Breeding Corydoras the lazy way by Hans-Georg Evers
88 Aquarium Calendar — Upcoming events by Janine Banks
90 Retail Sources
92 Species Snapshots
97 Advertiser Index
98 Underwater Eye by Hristo Hristov