Everything comes included with Current USA's new Serene LED aquarium lighting system.

Everything comes included with Current USA’s new Serene LED aquarium lighting system.

via Current USA

Current USA has introduced a new unified LED aquarium lighting system called Serene. One notable aspect is the inclusion of adjustable background LED lighting, offering a design aesthetic first encountered in the freshwater planted aquarium and aquascaping competition communities.

While Serene is promoted as a freshwater aquarium lighting system capable of growing low to moderate light-level aquarium plants, there’s no reason this couldn’t also be leveraged for use in reef aquariums or high-intensity freshwater planted aquarium applications as an aesthetic lighting enhancement, augmenting the workhorse lighting systems intended to fuel more light-hungry coral and plant growth.

See the videos and select highlights from the Current USA website below.

Combining over-the-aquarium lighting, background lighting, and audio, Serene will appeal to more than just your visual senses. Watch and listen as peaceful colors, sounds, and lighting effects fill your aquarium. With Serene, you can transform your everyday aquarium into an extraordinary experience.

1 Serene Freshwater LED Light fixture
2 Adjustable docking mounts (pre-installed)
1 Serene Background LED Light
1 Serene Aquarium Background Film
2 Background Light Brackets
1 12V DC UL® transformer
1 Serene 24-Hour Wireless Controller
1 Wireless remote control
1 Set of Speakers

Available Sizes:

Serene LED systems are available in 24″, 36″, 48″, and 72″ sizes.

More Information:

Visit https://current-usa.com/serene-freshwater-led-kit/ to learn more about the new Serene lighting system, hear Serene’s “binaural audio,” experience interactive demos, review product specifications, and see pricing and more.

Watch Serene:

Bonus Video

Watch as the background LED cycles through many color shades behind this freshwater aquarium.