AMAZONAS Magazine, Volume 7, Number 5, NEW SHRIMP SENSATIONS, brings readers a fresh look at the dwarf and fan shrimps. On the cover: various dwarf shrimps, photographed by Friedrich Bitter.
The September/October 2018 Issue of AMAZONAS Magazine is printed and arriving at the homes of magazine subscribers, local aquarium shops, and better bookstores. On sale August 7th, 2018.
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HEREWITH, a sampling of articles and opening pages for readers curious about what the issue will bring.

Our Table of Contents for the September/October 2018 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine: your guide for finding cover-to-cover must-read content and exciting features from expert contributors. Read the TOC online here.

We welcome the new AMAZONAS publishing and editorial team which includes many long-time staff members, bringing AMAZONAS into its next chapter with diverse viewpoints and a wealth of experience in the freshwater hobby.

“This time we have chosen dwarf and fan shrimps as our main topic,” writes AMAZONAS Editor-in-Chief Friedrich Bitter, introducing the new issue. “These fascinating little creatures have firmly established themselves in the aquarium hobby—and not (just) as live food. They are suitable for both beginners and professional breeders alike—and sometimes even such experienced people as the latter can still find major surprises with these many-legged little fellows.”

Lamontichthys are generally regarded as very tricky to keep, and breeding them is often out of the question. Daniel Madörin of the Basel Zoo has shown once again that this isn’t always the case, as revealed in his interview in our Aquatic Notebook. Also in this issue’s Notebook: Danio quagga, and German breeding ring equipment.

If you are newly interested in freshwater shrimps or just considering a new purchase, you may wonder at the countless variants of Neocaridina davidi now available and how to keep them. These tiny shrimps are fascinating to watch and easy to maintain, if you follow a few simple rules. Learn more in Friedrich Bitter’s article, “Colorful Cherry Shrimps: Keeping Neocaridina davidi”.

Step-by-step, author Sam Rutka walks you through the ins and outs of setting up and aquascaping a simple, functional aquarium for dwarf shrimps, in “A Shrimp Tank Primer.”

“Green Lace Shrimps: A breeding surprise,” by Dietmar Schmidt, tells the tale of an unexpected breeding opportunity with these popular aquarium residents.

Follow along as Hans-Georg Evers transports you to a small, seasonal pool in the vicinity of Puerto Maldonado, to discover the clues that nature provides when it comes to breeding potentially recalcitrant fishes.

Check out the gorgeous Tricolor Water Lily (Nymphaea micrantha) and learn about its husbandry and unique propagation methods in an article by Maike Wilstermann-Hildebrand, with additional content from AMAZONAS Executive Editor Ann Whitman.

Tired of “algae eaters” that grow too big and do their job poorly, or not at all? Paul V. Loiselle, Ph.D., will point you in the right direction with “Algae Eaters That Really Do!”

Introducing the first installment of “Century Species,” our new column to showcase fish species whose aquarium-hobby career has spanned more than 100 years and have remained in the hobby despite stiff competition from trendier offerings. Our first entry is a killifish, the Red-Chinned Panchax, Epiplatys dageti monroviae.

“Heterandria formosa comes from the subtropical southeastern United States and is anything but gaudy—but the Least Killifish is still a very special little livebearer,” writes Michael Kempkes.

With a retrospective look at Brine Shrimp spanning nearly a century, Jason Oneppo looks at the aquatics industry that Artemia built, as San Francisco Bay Brand Celebrates 50 Years: 1968–2018.

These events are not to be missed! Discover what’s happening in the aquarium world through our print and online Aquarium Calendars. Have an event coming up? Send Janine Banks an email so we can let your fellow AMAZONAS readers know about it.

Visit North America’s best aquarium shops and find AMAZONAS Magazine for sale as single copies and hard-to-find back issues. View this list online as well.

AMAZONAS Magazine’s Species Snapshots are your guide to everything bold and beautiful, arcane and awe-inspiring, or even just a bit different from what you’re used to seeing at your favorite fish store. This issue’s installment returns with a wide range of coverage, including a unique species of hillstream loach, Gastromyzon lepidogaster; Glossogobius aureus, a unique predatory goby from Sungai Lembo; a snake-eel from New Guinea, Lamnostoma kampeni; Orthochromis sp. “Chomba” (sp. “Lufubu”), which is an interesting and modestly-sized haplochromine cichlid from Zambia; Protomyzon whiteheadi, an attractive hillstream loach from Borneo; and finally, for those of you who are into brackish fish or big cichlids, or are simply searching for something fundamentally unusual for the aquarium hobby, check out the Tapiroid Grunter, Mesopristes cancellatus. All of these fish are covered in great detail, exclusively in the newest issue of AMAZONAS Magazine.
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I have enjoyed your magazine very much over the years. A few years ago I received the issue with new rainbows with an article with Gary Lang. This got me started again collecting some that I had kept in the past and many new species. Well some of the first bows I received had a whitish blemish with spread over the course of a year and wiped out all of that type of fish. I have had local water problems witch I have addressed. Five years later I still have problems in so.e tanks and none in others. I have been at my wit’s end. Well out of desperation I thought I could ask someone at Amazonas if they might be able to put me in contact with someone who might be able to steer me in the right direction to correct my problem. Thanks,Bob Baker