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Click cover to order this back issue for your AMAZONAS collection.

Volume 7, Number 3

4 Editorial by Hans-Georg Evers
6 Aquatic Notebook by AMAZONAS staff

18 Tame the Typhoon! First success in breeding Pseudacanthicus sp. LDA 105 “Typhoon” by Hans-Georg Evers and Jeffrey Christian
24 For Fanatics Only — Dwarf needle catfishes of the genus Acestridium by Achim Werckenthin and Ingo Seidel
32 Mysterious barbel-bearers by Norman Behr and Anja Katzschmann
38 Wonderful Woodcats — Tatia strigata, the Pinstripe Woodcat by Jeremy Basch
42 Kasonaweja, Ho! A rainbowfish expedition by Hans-Georg Evers
52 Enchanting Aquascapes: AGA 2017 by Bailin Shaw and Cheryl Rogers
64 In praise of Neotropical Cichlids, part 2 — The compact members of the Central American genus Amatitlania by Paul V. Loiselle, Ph.D.
74 Fishroom: Interview with Reinhard Schmid — One man—50,000 fishes by Michael Härtl and Dietmar Kecker
78 Catappa & Company: Terrestrial leaves to the aquatic rescue? by Petra Fitz
86 Embracing Nature The humic and husbandry benefits of aquascaping with botanical litter from the tropics by Scott Fellman

88 Aquarium Calendar — Upcoming events by Janine Banks and Ray Lucas
90 Retail Sources
92 Species Snapshots
97 Advertiser Index
98 Underwater Eye by Stanislav Kislyuk

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