According to the American Cichlid Association’s recent statement, there is a time and a place for wild aquarium fisheries. Shown here: A lovely Malawian Cichlid, the Ivory Head Mloto, Copadichromis trewavasae, in non-breeding dress. Image credit: Matt Pedersen
American Cichlid Association Official Position Statement on Wild Collection of Fish
via American Cichlid Association
In light of recent controversies regarding the wild collection of aquarium fish, the American Cichlid Association (ACA) wishes to clarify the position of the organization on this subject:
The ACA recognizes the need for both wild collection and aquaculture of fish for the aquarium.
The ACA is an organization comprised of aquarists, scientists, educators, and conservationists. The ACA recognizes the need for both wild collection and aquaculture of fish for the aquarium hobby and research.
Wild collection of fish is integral to ensuring genetic diversity in captive populations and promoting the introduction of new species and variants for the aquarium hobby and research.
As an organization dedicated to conservation, the ACA, in line with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), recognizes the conservation and economic necessity of sustainable-use fishery resources. Fishing for aquarium species generates sustainable income for fishers and ensure the incentive to conserve habitat required to sustain the fishery.
It is the position of the ACA to support the continuation of sustainable aquarium fisheries worldwide, in addition to aquaculture.
See these recent articles for background on threats to the future of aquarium keeping and a complete ban on collection of aquarium fishes by the State of Hawaii, and important source of marine species.
Aquarium Industry Under Siege https://www.reef2rainforest.com/2017/11/09/aquarium-industry-under-siege/
Hawaii Bans Aquarium Collection https://www.reef2rainforest.com/2017/10/28/breaking-hawaiis-aquarium-fishery-closed-permits-invalidated/