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Click cover to order this back issue for your AMAZONAS collection.

Volume 6, Number 5

4 Editorial by Hans-Georg Evers
6 Aquatic Notebook by AMAZONAS staff

16 The genus Cichla: Big fishes for big spaces by Thomas Weidner
26 The Peacock bass— A species primer by Enrico Richter
34 Not for the faint-hearted: Keeping and breeding peacock bass by Enrico Richter
40 Aquatic Plants: Creating Nature Part 3: Stocking & maintenance by Steve Waldron
48 Reportage: Rediscovering a lost Loricariid by Nathan K. Lujan
56 Husbandry & Breeding: Betta strohi from Sukamara — A fighting fish of the Betta foerschi group by Hansjürgen Dieke
62 Husbandry & Breeding: A Breeding Milestone Pseudacanthicus sp. L273 “Titanic” by Wai Meng Lui
68 Aquatic Plants: Barclaya, Aquatic “orchid lilies” by Maike Wilstermann-Hildebrand
72 Husbandry & Breeding: Priapichthys nigroventralis­ — An exercise in patience by Dirk Stojek
76 Husbandry & Breeding: Corydoras sp. CW16 — A tough nut by Hans-Georg Evers
82 Fishroom: Sunshine State Synodontis — The ups and downs of breeding Upside Down Catfish by Eric Cassiano

88 Aquarium Calendar — Upcoming events by Janine Banks and Ray Lucas
90 Retail Sources
92 Species Snapshots
97 Advertiser Index
98 Underwater Eye by Morrell Devlin

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