Watch Hernando Gil collect Farlowellas in the faster waters of a stream in the upper Rio Meta drainage.

Watch Hernando Gil collect Farlowellas in the faster waters of a stream in the upper Rio Meta drainage.

“In the last episode of Colombia 2016, we visited a stream in the Upper Rio Meta drainage north of Villavicencio. Some of the animals we found in the upstream pool include Crenicichla sp. “Belly Crawler,” Hemiloricaria eigenmanni “Whiptail Catfish,” a water turtle, and Corydoras metae, the target species this day. We also found a colony of bats living underneath the bridge. But we still need to take a look at what’s in the stream below the rock dam.”

 The water below the rock dam is swift and shallow. The most impressive feature is large beds of Echinodorus sp. Sword Plants growing among the pebbles and rocks....

The water below the rock dam is swift and shallow. The most impressive feature is large beds of Echinodorus sp. Sword Plants growing among the pebbles and rocks.

Farlowella colombiensis, Apistogramma macmasteri, and some rare birds are all in store—Watch Now!

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