A female Apistogramma alacrina shepherds her fry through leaves and sticks; one of many exciting encounters in this episode.

In one of many exciting encounters in this episode, a female Apistogramma alacrina shepherds her fry through leaves and sticks

“This day is going to end stranded along the side of the road in Villavicencio with the threat of having our car impounded for a few days, but earlier in the afternoon the outlook was much brighter. The rainy morning cleared to bright skies, but the damage to the streams is done. High, muddy water prevented us from looking for fish in any of these rivers.

Rain swollen rivers with muddy waters prevent snorkeling and collecting.

Rain-swollen rivers with muddy waters prevent snorkeling and collecting.

“We stop at several places along the route back to Villavicencio, but do not find any that had the water clarity that I am looking for.

“This larger stream was beautiful and full of plants. The spot looked very promising, but the water is also very dark and tannin-stained. I think it would be worth going for a swim, and even running the seine into the dense edges of the plants.

A beautiful smaller stream is almost the right spot, but they press on.

A beautiful smaller stream is almost the right spot, but they press on.

“But my guides say they have a special place to reach, and time is running out. Our last collecting destination for the day is located quite a ways off the main road…”

Hidden gems in tiny waters? You'll have to watch to see what's discovered.

Hidden gems in tiny waters? You’ll have to watch to see what’s discovered.

See what Ted and his guides discover: watch now!

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