Dazzling Danios!
Volume 5, Number 6
6 Editorial by Hans-Georg Evers
8 Aquatic Notebook by AMAZONAS staff & readers
20 The Danionins of Myanmar — Field notes and taxonomy by Ralf Britz, Ph.D.
32 Chain Reaction: Danio meghalayensis and other large relatives with chain patterns by Ingo Seidel
38 Lost and Found: The recent history of the Siamese Dwarf Rasbora by Kay Urban
42 Husbandry & Breeding: Raiamas — Coppernoses in the aquarium by Stanislav Kislyuk
48 Reportage: The Wild Side — Examining the global trade in wild-collected aquarium fishes by Michael J. Tuccinardi
64 Worth Mentioning: From AGA 2015 with intro by Cheryl Rogers, AGA President
70 Reportage: Angelfishes of the Rio Negro by George W. Wüst
78 Reportage: Enigmatic Angelfishes — Examining angelfish origins and evolution in Brazil’s Rio Negro by Michael J. Tuccinardi
86 DIY: Making a fish trap by Petra Fitz
88 Aquarium Calendar — Upcoming events by Janine Banks and Ray Lucas
90 Retail Sources
92 Species Snapshots
97 Advertiser Index
98 Underwater Eye by Morrell Devlin
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