AMAZONAS Volume 5, Number One features Betta splendens in all its glory, beginning with the cover by breeder and editor Matt Pedersen.
Materials Deadline: Thursday, November 12
ON SALE DATE: December 8, 2015
With a much-anticipated issue that will be read and re-read over the coming Holiday Season, the January/February 2016 Issue of AMAZONAS is a Collector’s Edition featuring Part II of BETTAS. The ad deadline is fast approaching.
From the swamps of ancient Thailand, Betta splendens has evolved into the world’s most popular tropical fish with growing numbers of enthusiasts drawn by astonishing new color forms, outrageous finnage and a new generation of tanks, foods, and gear to elevate Fighting Fish husbandry to new levels of sophistication.
Cover features include Senior Editor Michael Tuccinardi’s trip to Thailand to explore the origins of wild Betta splendens and its modern-day aquaculture there • International Betta Congress President Gerald Griffin tells the reader how to choose and properly keep thriving show-worthy bettas • Matt Pedersen describes his Betta breeding adventures and forays into a little-known but amazingly vibrant Hmong Betta Triangle in the American Midwest.
Also Forthcoming: Marlier’s Julie, a Lake Tanganyika dwarf cichlid worth knowing • the glorious Melanotaenia sp. rainbowfishes of Indonesia’s Aru Islands • Ariel Borenstein looks at the husbandry and breeding of the eyecatching Kyburz Tetra, Pseudochalceus kyburzi • Hans-Georg Evers leads a memorable fish-finding expedition to West Papua • Matthias Geiger introduces the Blue Gularis, Fundulopanchax sjostedti, a big, bold killifish for aquarists of all skill levels… and much more.
Call or write to reserve space.
Materials Deadline: Thursday, November 12
ON SALE DATE: December 8, 2015