2015 NOAA Aquaculture Photo Contest

2015 NOAA Aquaculture Photo Contest

via Emily M. Trentacoste, Ph.D., NOAA Office of Aquaculture

Have some great aquaculture images or video shorts? Enter them in our NOAA Aquaculture Photo Contest! There are a number of different categories and submission formats covering the breadth of the aquaculture world. We’d love to see your science & research submitted! Submission deadline is September 13, 2015.

Winners will be announced over Aquaculture Week, September 21-25, 2015 and showcased online and in a public exhibit at HQ. The contest is open to the public, so feel free to share with any interested parties.

Contest & Submission Guidelines – http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/aquaculture/homepage_stories/31_photo_contest_2015.html

Emily M. Trentacoste, PhD
Outreach Coordinator (Contractor, ERT Inc.)
Office of Aquaculture
NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service
