An error in photo credits was discovered on page 14 of "The 'Red Bruno' finally has a name", in the May/June 2015 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine.

An error in photo credits was discovered on page 14 of “The ‘Red Bruno’ finally has a name”, in the May/June 2015 issue of AMAZONAS Magazine.


Unfortunately, an error happened in the caption of Hypostomus cochliodon on page 14, bottom, in the last AMAZONAS issue. The picture of Hypostomus cochliodon was taken by Steven Grant and not Ingo Seidel. We apologize for the oversight.

This pleco is an often-imported bycatch of Hypostomus basilisko. According to the description this is H. cochliodon, not the new species H. khimaera- image by Steven Grant

This pleco is an often-imported bycatch of Hypostomus basilisko. According to the description this is H. cochliodon, not the new species H. khimaera- image by Steven Grant