AMAZONAS Magazine – Swordtails – the September/October 2014 Issue

September/October 2014 AMAZONAS Magazine Table of Contents

Editorial from Hans-Georg Evers

Aquatic Notebook – Shrimp Championship

Aquatic Notebook – Melanotaenia flavipinnis and Pelvicachromis silviae

Aquatic Notebook – Color Is King!

Aquatic Notebook – Natural Decorations

A look at swordtails in the wild; They Came From Mexico: The Swordtails And Their Habitat, by Juan Miguel Artigas Azas

Fancy Swordtails – Not For Beginners! By Tobias Bernsee

King Lyretail And The Way There: Breeding High End Swordtails, by Rainer Schultz – a look at the path to creating a Lyretail Swordtail with a functional gonopodium.

Dwarfs with character: Xiphophorus pygmaeus, by Claus Osche

Boeseman’s Rainbowfish and it’s Rare New Cousin, by Hans-Georg Evers

Tetra-, Penta-, Hexa-: A Review of the Banded Barbs, by Paul V. Loiselle, Ph.D.

Piranha! Fascinating, but not your ideal aquarium fish, by Wolfgang Staeck

Talking fishes and the Internet with Julian “Jools” Dignall, interview conducted by Hans-Georg Evers

First Experiences With Bucephalandra, by Mario Hamann

Aquariums in Paradise: Bermuda, by Rachel O’Leary

Aquarium Calendar – compiled by Matt Pedersen & Ray Lucas – be sure to submit your events for consideration!

You’ve never seen a print edition of AMAZONAS Magazine? We can be found in some amazing aquarium stories around the US and around the globe. We furnish a complete sources list in every issue, and you can browse it online as well – http://www.reef2rainforest.com/amazonas-magazine-sources/

Species Snapshots, featuring Chalinochromis sp., Pseudacanthicus sp., Corydoras sp., Corydoras sp. C86, Garra sp., Cryptocoryne annamica

Underwater Eye, by Hans-Georg Evers, features a stunning shot of juvenile “Electric Blue Dempseys”, one of several topics slated for the next issue of AMAZONAS Magazine.
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