Volume 3, Number 5
AMAZONAS May/June 2014 Cover. Click to enlarge.
Far more than just a neophyte’s easy-to-keep/easy-to-breed livebearer, members of the genus Xiphophorus are some the most exciting, even some of the sexiest, New World tropical fishes being kept in aquariums today.
• Intriguing Origins: Look to the next issue of AMAZONAS for an unforgettable visit with Juan Miguel Artigas-Azas to the native waters of many swordtail species in beautiful pools, streams, and rivers in rural Mexico
• Amazing New Strains: Hans-Georg Evers, Tobias Bernsee, Rainer Schultz reveal a portfolio of amazing swordtail color varieties and unusual morphs with award-winning finnage and rare color combinations.
• Nano Swords: Unknown to most aquarists, Xiphophorus pygmaeus is a delightful dwarf swordtail in several color varieties that live in shoals and make fascinating subjects for smaller aquariums.
• Whether we keep them or not (most of us won’t), all aquarists have a fascination with one of the world’s most feared fish. Expert Wolfgang Staeck profiles the available species with their behaviors, biology and propensity to bite.
• One of the most popular and influential online personalities and aquarium authorities, Julian “Jools” Dignall is the brains and energy behind Planet Catfish. AMAZONAS Editor Hans-Georg Evers gets a rare invitation to tour the personal fishroom of an aquarium legend to see what he is keeping and breeding.
• Dr. Paul V. Loiselle offers rare insights and an authoritative guide to some of the perenially most-popular aquarium fish of all: the Banded Barbs in the genus Puntius.
• Take a walk into the rainforest streams of Borneo in search of a highly diverse genus of aquatic plants that are among the most-coveted species among planted-tank enthusiasts today.
• Hans-Georg Evers goes in search of the thrillingly hued and ultra-rare Ajamaru Lakes Rainbowfish, Melanotaenia ajamaruensis, in a must-read story for all rainbowfish fans.
And more: Look to the next issue of AMAZONAS for fresh inspiration, new ideas and a cover-to-cover celebration of the joys of aquaristics.
Publication Date: August 5, 2014
Materials Final Deadline: FRIDAY, JULY 11th