I recently stumbled across some amazing videos, shared by Hélène Lagueux of Quebec City, Quebec. She wrote that she’s been breeding these Pterophyllum sp. “Rio Nanay” F0 and F1 for the past 5-6 years.  This is the fish Heiko Bleher referred to as Pterophyllum sp. 1 in the January/February 2013 issue of AMAZONAS, page 24; often seen in the aquarium trade as “Peruvian Altums”.

Hélène’s first video shows a pair of her Rio Nanay Angels putting on a stunning display of orange and blue highlights, all set against crisp black stripes and a classic high-finned wild angelfish body, as they put down a nest. This is followed by a few more videos showing these parents tending their clutch.

Hélène also shared some videos showing the differences between male and female in her pair; a great example for anyone wondering what “angelfish tubes” looked like.  These videos may be helpful in helping you determine the sex of your own angelfish.  

Here’s the male:

And here’s the female:

Whether you call these Pterophyllum sp. 1, Peruvian Altums, or Rio Nanay Angelfish, it’s truly stunning to see what a wild angelfish can look like.  Hélène’s broodstock rivals so many of the domesticated forms out there, and even gives my treasured Rio Atapabo Altums a run for their money.  I’m drooling all over again – I think this has started a quest for a new angelfish variant for my fishroom.  These are some beautiful fish Hélène; whoever winds up with your offspring is incredibly lucky!  How lucky?  Check out this video of Hélène’s baby Rio Nanay Angels!

A special thanks goes out to Hélène Lagueux for graciously accepting our request to feature her work here at AMAZONASmagazine.com!