Sure to be collector’s issue, the May/June AMAZONAS leads off with the glorious killifishes of the Congo and covers LED lighting for planted tanks, breeding the Pac-Man Catfish and much more.

Full of brilliant color AMAZONAS for May/June ranges widely in subject matter, from Aphyosemion spp. African killifishes, to a new Apistogramma species and its successful breeding, travels in South America in search of the very elusive Blue-eyed Pleco, to a hobbyist’s successful conversion to LED lighting over a 265-gallon (1,000-L) planted aquarium, and much more.

AMAZONAS Volume 2, Number 3. Click cover for larger view.

The issue will have a publication date of April 9th, 2013. Deadline for submitted materials (notices and advertising) is March 15th.

The print edition of AMAZONAS in English is now distributed in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, South Africa, France, India, the Netherlands, Malta, and elsewhere.

The Digital Edition is read in more than 100 countries worldwide. To find a local or regional dealer who offers AMAZONAS, visit our current directory.

AMAZONAS is published bimonthly by Reef to Rainforest Media, LLC in Shelburne, Vermont, in partnership with Natur und Tier – Verlag GmbH, Muenster, Germany.

Founding Editor: Hans-Georg Evers

English Edition Editor & Publisher: James M. Lawrence


Cover Section: Choosing, keeping, and breeding the flamboyant killifishes of the African Congo.


Heiko Bleher takes the reader on his search for the ever more rare and elusive Blue-Eye Pleco.


An introduction to LED lighting for freshwater planted aquariums. First in a series on LEDs and other lighting choices.